Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Little Guys!

Finally I am going to write out the boys birth story! Now that they are 6 months old. Ha I'm just a little behind. lets see...
 where to begin...

The weeks leading up to giving birth I was going up to the hospital 2 to 3 times a week for NSTs (non stress test)
The test involves attaching one belt to the mother’s abdomen for each baby to measure fetal heart rate and another belt to measure contractions. Movement, heart rate and “reactivity” of heart rate to movement is measured for 20-30 minutes. 
***The primary goal of the test is to measure the heart rate of the fetus in response to its own movements. Healthy babies will respond with an increased heart rate during times of movement, and the heart rate will decrease at rest. The concept behind a non-stress test is that adequate oxygen is required for fetal activity and heart rate to be within normal ranges. 
Sorry for the scary belly

So everything with the babies was going really great, and they scheduled me to be Induced on Friday 9/14/2012.
 I went in Monday, September 10th 2012 for my NST at 8am, everything with the babies looked great and so i went down to the doctor for her to review it with me. I had started getting swollen and had gained to much weight to quickly(water weight *wink wink*) But for real it was really abnormal, plus my blood pressure had gone up, since my blood pressure had been perfect the entire time this really worried them. Over the weekend they had me do a 24 hour urine protein testSO... they were reviewing that while I had been in my NST and my protein levels were really really high, so my doctor came in and said "we are gonna have some babies today" they felt like I had Preeclampsia, because of all these different symptoms and the only way to fix that is to have the babies. I was so grateful that i had made it as far as i did, but i still burst into tears when they told me that they were going to induce that day. i wanted to go home and get everything together (thank goodness i had my bags and  everything already packed) but I still just felt so unprepared. They told me I couldn't go home and they took me straight over to the hospital side ( i had to ride over in a wheel chair) awkward! and pretty much started right away. They started induction at around 12:00pm like breaking my water and the petocin. Everything went really smoothly, I waited to get my epidural as long as i could and once i got it I felt so much better. Then i just layed in the bed and waited and waited for the boys to be ready!

 I waited so long to get my epidural cause i was so freaked out by it, but my anesthesiologist was AMAZING! It was so easy and totally worth it. However It started to wear off around the time i started to push! :/ They let me start pushing in my room, but because we were having twins they made me go to the operating room to actually push the babies out just in case one turned or went into distress and i needed a C- section. The epidural had worn off so much that i was able to move myself off my bed and on to the operating room table on my own... scary!Pushing was so much harder than i could have ever imagined. However it only took me about and hour and a half to from start to finish with pushing. The boys were born 12 minutes apart and i was so happy i didn't have to have a C-section! (biggest fear)   

Marcus Cole Edgerly was born at 7:30pm

Cole weighed 6lbs 13oz

 Robert Nash Edgerly was born at 7:42pm

 Nash weighed 4lbs 1oz

They let me hold both of them for a tiny second and then Nash was taken to the NICU because he was so small and because his breathing was too fast. :( Marcus got to walk him all the way there with the nurse which was nice. He said that Nash just stared at him the entire time. 

I was able to do skin to skin with Cole and they let us take a few pictures with both of them before Nash had to go upstairs. I was so happy and in love with both of them. I was AMAZING!

Later that night we got to take Cole up to the NICU to visit Nash! Such a sweet experience.

 My first time really holding Nash

I loved seeing them together... I still do

The hardest part was that we had to leave Nash at the hospital when when Cole and I left. It was so so horrible. But we went to see him every day!  The nurses were amazing and i knew when I could not be there he was still in GREAT Hands.

One week Old
Bringing Nash home from the hospital
Our First Walk
A little over two weeks

6 Months old

They have grown so much and are changing and getting bigger and smarter everyday i love love love love being a mom! I could not have imagined it could be  just so amazing! I love these boys to the moon and back and can not wait to see them grow up and turn into little men!

***sorry this post is so long***

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